Code of Conduct

While each CLASS event may have slightly different rules and expectations, the following guidelines apply at all CLASS events unless explicitly stated otherwise by the event organiser. CLASS events are designed to create an environment to act out school-based fantasies.  While a certain level of chaos, and a certain degree of punishment, are to be expected, the following guidelines have been established to help ensure a positive experience for all involved. Participants are encouraged to be mindful of other participants, including their limits and sensitivities. It is expected that with basic negotiations and general etiquette, most events will run smoothly and happily.
Participants are  asked to familiarise themselves with the following guidelines for establishing consent and responding to incidents.


Although some level of mischief is likely to occur during CLASS events, all participants are asked to show respect for each other.  In particular, participants should show respect to the effort teachers have put in to preparing lessons and students have put into any homework assigned.
In general, mildly disruptive or “bratty” behaviour by bottoms (submissives or switches) at CLASS events is to be interpreted by the top (top or switch) it is directed at as an invitation for punishment. Bottoms are reminded to be mindful of both their fellow bottoms and any material prepared by the tops (lesson plans, etc), and to take care that any bratting does not cross the line into actual disrespect.  The level of preparation put into lessons varies from teacher to teacher, as does the teacher’s willingness to tolerate disruption. To provide signals to students when the level of disruption is more than the teacher would like during a lesson, teachers and other tops may also use safewords. The safeword system described below may be used to help establish these boundaries.


By agreeing to participate in a CLASS event, each submissive/switch gives consent to receive some level of punishment from every top/switch at the event, and likewise every top/switch at the event consents to administer some level of punishment to any submissive/switch at the event, as required by the structure of the event (for example, punishment of an entire class).
However, it is understood that there may be exceptions to this general rule.  This may be handled in a variety of ways, depending on the nature of the event and individuals involved. Examples for how to opt out of certain elements of this blanket consent include:
  • Participants who wish to restrict their consent to specific individuals or groups should make this known to the organiser as soon as possible, preferably prior to commencement of the scene, so that appropriate arrangements can be made to accommodate the restriction(s).  This is the recommended option as, for large events, the organisers may implement a system to indicate consent status/restrictions, and for smaller events the organiser may ensure all are aware of applicable restrictions before the event begins.
  • Students who do not wish to be punished by a particular teacher should refrain from disobedience while that teacher is in charge
  • Teachers who do not wish to punish a particular student may suggest that another teacher or prefect deal with the individual
  • If either a top or a bottom is uncomfortable in participating in a punishment with the individual, the safeword “yellow” may be used to request a different top/bottom.
  • Participants who do not wish to engage in punishment activities with each other for mutually understood personal reasons (former partners, etc) may establish private arrangements for how to deal with this situation.
Typically, punishment at CLASS events may consist of, but is not necessarily limited to:
  • Spanking (with open hand or implements- typically a cane, strap, tawse, paddle, birch, switch, or brush) of the bottom, thighs, or hands
  • Corner Time
  • Writing of lines or essays
  • Scolding
  • Removal or adjustment of clothing
If it is likely that punishments other than those listed above may be used at an event, tops intending to use different punishments should inform the organiser and the organiser should attempt to make this known to participants prior to commencing the scene.
Punishments may be administered in front of other participants or in private areas as the venue allows. If a punishment is to be adminstered away from the main group, any participant in the punishment may request the presence of a monitor.
Should any participant not feel comfortable with any of the punishments listed above or have any other limits that may be relevant to the event, the participant should make this known to the organiser as soon as possible, preferably before commencing the scene so that arrangements can be made to accommodate any requests or restrictions with minimal disruption to the scene.
Should a participant feel uncomfortable with a proposed punishment, or wish to moderate or stop a punishment in progress, the safeword system may be used.
For large events, or events where participants are not well-known to each other, it is recommended that the organiser holds an introductory session to discuss the scene and allow participants to get to know one another (including discussion of any pertinent limits) in advance of beginning play.


Red” and “Yellow” are universal safewords at all CLASS events. Additional safewords may be arranged by prior agreement with organisers, or between specific individuals. The organiser shall make all participants aware of any additional systems and procedures used to indicate consent prior to starting the scene at each event. Any safewords, systems and procedures used to express consent should be used for that purpose only. The organiser should be informed of any failure to do so as soon as possible so appropriate action can be taken.
When used by a bottom during a scene, “Yellow” is used to request that the punishment be lightened. “Yellow” may also be used prior to commencing a punishment if the bottom is not comfortable with the particular punishment proposed. In this case, the safeword is a request for an alternate punishment, or if the bottom is not comfortable with the particular top to request a different punisher.  (Note that this system is intended as an emergency backup or in situations where the pairing is out of the individual’s control. The preferred option for requesting a particular punisher is to direct misbehaviour only toward that individual)
“Red” is by a bottom used to bring an immediate end to the punishment. If “Red” is used, the bottom will remove themselves from the scene. The organiser or designee will provide and/or arrange required care for the bottom. Depending on the circumstances, the top(s) may also be asked by the organiser or designee to leave the scene after the “red” safeword is used.  The organiser or designee will also document the incident in the event logbook and investigate as necessary, with the goal of reaching an understanding and reconciliation between the top and bottom, along with a plan to ensure future play runs smoothly.  The bottom may rejoin the scene after the issue is resolved to the satisfaction of the organiser or designee.
When used by a top during a scene, “Yellow” is a request to tone down the level of brattiness/disruption to the school environment.  “Yellow” may also be used if the top is not comfortable with the particular bottom to request a different punisher handle the misbehaviour.
“Red” is to be used by a top as a request to immediately stop a particular behaviour; the specific behaviour should be stated explicitly when using this safeword.  When “Red” is used by a top, the organiser will hold a discussion with the top (and other participants, as applicable) after the scene to discuss the situation with the goal of ensuring an understanding is reached and that future play will not be disrupted. The issue may be recorded in the incident book if deemed prudent by the event organiser.
Bottoms may use the same safewords as tops in the event that other participants involve or attempt to involve them in actions in which they do not wish to take part. When a safeword is used in this sense, the other bottoms may carry on with their behaviour in a modified way which does not involve the participant who has opted out of participation in the action taking place.
If assistance from a monitor and/or organiser is required, any participant may request a “time out” with a moderator and/or organiser and any other individuals involved in the issue at hand. When the “time out” phrase is used, the organiser or designated monitor will step away from the scene to discuss the issue with the individuals involved and take action as necessary

Dress Code

Effort to dress for one’s role is appreciated. In general, any attempt at a teacher/schoolboy/schoolgirl look as applicable is acceptable.  For those looking for ideas, teachers may wear robes, jackets, or business-casual attire.  Schoolboys or schoolgirls are encouraged to wear white blouses and dark or coloured trousers or skirts.  Ties are recommended, as are conservative underwear (unless one is looking for trouble. . .).
For some events, organisers may specify stricter uniform requirements. Participants with questions about the uniform policy for a specific event should contact the event organiser.
Additionally, the level of undress permitted for punishments (spanking over panties, bare bottom, etc.), will be specified by the organiser prior to the event.  Any participant uncomfortable with the dress code or permitted level of undress should make this restriction known to the event organiser as soon as possible, preferably prior to commencement of the scene, so that appropriate arrangements can be made to accommodate the restriction(s).
Note: This is a living document, and will be revised by the owner based on feedback and discussion with the board of trustees.  Last Update: 05 Mar 2017